
Novice Finals

  • THP a world in which people seek short relationships (<5 yrs) over one where they seek long term partners
  • Pro-Am Finals

  • THW completely cut off contact with their ex over actively trying to stay friends
  • Open Finals

  • TH would prefer to be born on Plan(et) B over Planet A
  • Open Semifinals

  • THO the prioritisation of privacy in Western Liberal Democracies
  • Round 5 (Closed)

  • THBT it is in the interest of MERCOSUR to seek closer ties to the EU over China
  • Round 4 (Closed)

  • THP a world in which post-gnostics is the dominant Christian belief system over one where Proterism is dominant
  • Round 3

  • THW break up tech giants (such as Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, etc.)
  • Round 2

  • Assuming no coalition is formed, THS the Netherlands implementing a 'business cabinet' rather than calling re-elections
  • Round 1

  • TH prefers a world where people focus on changing rather than finding their authentic self